Monday 15 December 2008

Birthday Boy

Yesterday was wonderful, heartsease. I found myself suddenly back in the attic in my brain on Saturday morning, emotionally fragile and deeply unhappy, but whatever it was, it's mostly gone now.

Alex was four yesterday, and I thoroughly enjoyed my share in his birthday. I went over about 3 for us all to go off to "Thomasland" as Alex puts it for his birthday treat and to give him the Ben 10 scooter I'd got him and the big fire engine from his great-grannie. I got to take gorgeous blond in my red devil again, which he seems to enjoy and we pitched up at Quainton only just in time to get ourselves onto the 4 o'clock Santa Special. Alex did his littlemanly best waving the ticket at the man on the desk who wished him Happy Birthday, a little to his surprise, but he's been there several times now and was all for "Thomas" and getting on the train as soon as possible. Both the children were really excited and properly amazed when Santa turned up, and wished him Happy Birthday again :) and gave them presents.

The Magic Show didn't have enough interest for them so they spent the next hour or so scootering and running around inside the main building, putting us in constant panic that they'd fall between the trains and the platforms which, of course, they didn't but keeping close enough to grab Missy, who's like greased lightning, is more exercise than I'm used to.

On to Pizza Hut for Alex and his friends to create fairly contained mayhem and round the evening off nicely. I passed on joining the bright young things later, expect they were grateful!

Photographs are up on photobucket, the two end ones are the rabbit we saw in the carpark as we were leaving Quainton, I think the poor beast was dying but Alex didn't know that and was happy to see it.

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