Wednesday 1 October 2008


This weeks premier inn flavour is kinda cool! Arriving at silly o'clock last night, they sent me through to the (closed) restaurant who found me food and a bottle a da red.

Arriving at sillier o'clock tonight, they looked up yellow pages for a chinese that would deliver, schmoozed them to deliver to the hotel, demanded all sorts of cheeky stuff while they phoned the order through, then organised bringing it up to my room when it arrived.

Nope. I have no desire to change my allegiance to Premier Inns but this one is a million miles better than the one in central Brum, currently messed up by the bloody Conservative party conference. Vote Independent!

Going to see some 'real' people tomorrow night at the Brum munch: better than work anyway. My dev manager colleague asked me tonight how come I get out of going to endless Release2 planning meetings and I told him I think it's cos I'm a girl. He's thinking about having the op if it gets him out of those meetings.

Life in the fast lane. I need a rest.

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