Wednesday 17 November 2010

Notatall Slobbering

I'm confused. I think it's because I'm in some unpronounceable town in Germany, OK, Nettetal-Lobberich near Munchengladbach, which I always thought was a made up name from Scotland The What, and outside an eclectic collection of alcohol.

I may copy this to the blog since tomorrow will be hellish as today was.

Boy boss is a total nightmare as a driver.

I'm obviously overrun with pheromones at the moment and keep finding men flirting with me ( the weird tall Dr Who type in Schickeria tonight was a bit scary).
Fortunately I had an honour guard of 3 colleagues, all of whom would have been foxing hopeless if he had got out of hand

Child from Kodak sweet-talked the bar landlady into giving him the Johnny Walker logo glass so he could give it to me. He did offer to pay for it but her missing English and our hopeless German made that a bit tricky.

This was 'our' bar, the only place open at 11pm last night after flight delays due to fog and terrifying drive through thick fog in a brand new 9kilometres on the clock Galaxy. Boy boss couldn't cope with parking despite parking proximity alarms but wouldn't let anyone else do it either. The hotelier eventually came out and moved his own car to give him a double space to aim at

A long cold walk through deserted foggy streets finally led us to the only place that seemed to be open, where they rustled up a plate of chips and ham & cheese baguettes which made us more nearly human

No place here takes any of our cash or credit cards so we have now cleared out all available euros and are not sure if the hotel bills can be covered tomorrow.

Please pay the ransom if they keep me hostage. That weirdo in the bar might fetch up again.

Tired. Probably more drunk than I think after a quiet scotch & coke after work, several beers, Jagermeister, more beer, free shot of fruit vodka and a couple of JWreds. Ah. And the scotch & coke I'm having now.

The upshot of all this is that I won't be back in Blighty till midnight on Thur ; plotting to play poker with my beloved infant on Friday and/or see Sid - and Mark doesn't have to cook dinner because CollAnne are supposed to be feeding us on Sat.

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