Sunday 2 August 2009


Another fabulous roast, buy the best you can, it tastes amazing.

Never allow an already paralytic friend unsupervised access to your wine rack. With unerring luck they will select THE best bottle, from the bottom of the rack where you tucked it away to get to in the fullness of time, and drink the entire bottle accompanied by constant repetition of a conversation loop on how it's the best wine they've ever tasted and they're really sorry they opened it since they can't really enjoy it properly, but it's BLOODY good wine - ad nauseam.

Not that he's thrown up - yet. If he does, I will pretend not to know about it. Fortunately, his fiance is here too, closer loco parentis than I, so it's her job, *relief*. I suspect he will get a severe ear-bashing tomorrow morning when he wakes up, just as his hangover kicks in

I might consider being cross but it did only only cost £3.99 in a wineclub deal where I always choose the wines with the biggest discount. Next time I'll buy more than one of that one.

Lovely unexpected flying visit from some friends on their way back to Bristol during the early evening: there was enough food and beds to go round if required but they were determined to go back tonight for a Steam Rally tomorrow. Chacun a son gout.

Tried to watch "Franklyn" again but my DVD player still stutters and stalls despite a long delay to run some cleaning thing in it so I guess a new player is on the shopping list

Sid's last night: "Cold Prey" is brilliant. Future nostalgia for instant traditions; years ago I went up north with him, his brother and his then 6 or 7 year old nephew to Flookburgh. It POURED. All day. I was wearing a pair of John's wellies, one of Sid's waterproof jackets (style wasn't on the menu); and I taught Calumn that jumping in puddles is fun. Back then it was only me and Calumn; last week it was all three of them.