Sunday 26 April 2009


I was just about to chance an offer of £100 for this Doris Lindner fox that I would really, really love to have and discovered some rat pipped me to the post.

I could have had one for less than that recently but was over-cautious in my bid: anyone care to explain how the desire for something manages geometric progression by the number of times you see it but don't buy it?

New green Lea Stein to my collection though, and not nearly tired of collecting Lea Stein or different ones yet. In love with she-who-has-not-yet-divulged-her-name, soon as I find the charger, all my foxes will gambol on the bloglink

Saturday 25 April 2009

karate kid me

Lots been happening, this last week feels like it was several years long, and almost all of it pretty damfino

The finale of the 3 day course in London saw me karate chop a lump of wood in two, yes, ME! Total, total high from that. Worse than having that as the last moments of a motivational performance course is that I really do believe I could do it again. For anyone worried about it, I don't have a broken hand. They also tried to teach me to juggle but that one still needs work. Lots of exercise picking up far-flung beanbags though. One of the other bits was choose a shape which is meant to identify what kind of personality you have, which reminded me of the BUPA shape quiz / which I've promised to send them all. I quite fancied being a red circle but the mini-questionnaire declared that I'm a purple squiggle. If you try it, remember to turn the volume down on the too-loud and eventually irritating music loop and to tell me whatcha got.

Evenings were good too, dinner at Maroush with Lin on Wednesday after a couple of rather luscious cocktails at the Cumberland , clambering up on seriously high bar stools before discovering they have little lever to adjust the height; dinner at the Bird Street Busaba Eathai with one of the guys from the course and a friend of his on Thursday and an unexpected but lusciously lovely dinner Chez Downey last night. That man can surely cook, and I still don't see any reason to disabuse him of the notion that I can't.

It did feel like the first time in weeks rather than days that I could actually relax! I hadn't checked when I booked my corporate heaven at the Cumberland that the Marble Arch down escalator is down for refurb and my knee whinged a lot at walking down about 70 steps each morning. Hmmmppphhhh! Mornings. Having got up at 6:30 so I would get the right train to be there for 9 on Wednesday, I checked the outlook calendar and discovered to my relief that it didn't start till ten. (I was still late). Total cool on my part, wasn't till the next coffee break I realised they'd sent a later email changing the time to 9 *shrug* Dealing with two snoopy laptops has it's silver lining?

We spent last night singing, dancing and doing aerobics, bits of me still ache, rather pleasantly. But I still got up at 8am - when it was raining *sadface* and therefore went back to bed at 8:30 which gave the sun time to get it's act together. If I find the charger for my camera I'll post a pic of the fabulous fox Mark gave me, Paul says it's the first one he's liked but couldn't resist winding me up by looking at the bottom of it and telling me it had a sticker saying £4.99. Rat! Still, nothing from that shop costs so little and it wouldn't have mattered anyway. Timing was perfect as I'd found Mark a leatherbound copy of the Yellowplush Papers and I think we surprised each other nicely exchanging gifts.

Now I'm past tired and need to find some sleep, Alex has adopted the birthday teddybear my mother gave me for my ~29th~ *cough* birthday and he really believes it will protect him and give him nice dreams. The shorts were here last night too so I missed out on time with them by having a marvellous time elsewhere but they are still beautiful, I still adore them and Paul had some quality time with them on his own. He was most peeved I didn't notice he'd cut the grass, but finding the other bike parked where the ancient one used to be distracted me. Bloody thing failed it's MOT which seems unreasonable since it's only done about 450 miles since the last one. AHHHH, and the girl who wants the gas cooker came to see it today and her Dad is picking it up on Tuesday. AND! I finally sold something on ebay, not for what I paid, but it would only have floated around on the tides of my life till I eventually gave it away: like the £100+ fancy captains chair that I never got on with, so it's still a major result. Let's hope this is the germ of an obsession to sell mountains of accumulated 'stuff' and clear me some breathing space.


Sunday 19 April 2009

Big Red

Only an hour to drive back from London but another hour to unwind, wrapped in big red. Reading "Cathedral of the Sea", been to look at the short people asleep upstairs, wordless ~ the song was wordless; the singing will never be done.